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Music Tutors in Haslemere

How it works

With online classes, students benefit from one-to-one tuition in a our state-of-the-art virtual classroom, and because classes can take place from wherever you happen to be, no valuable lesson time is wasted on commuting, an hour booked is an hour spent studying.

Interested in small group classes?

We have had many requests for small group classes and will soon be launching to add to our 1-1 bespoke tutor classes. The benefits are small dedicated classes to enhance learning at reduced costs. Email us today to register your interest and let us know what subjects and year group you would be interested in.

Looking for the perfect tutor?

Call us today to receive a free assessment. We will help you assess your learning requirements and devise a plan to help you achieve your educational goals.

Bella S.

  • 3 Students
  • 8 Classes
  • 22.13 /Hr
5 (0  Ratings)

Isabella Schneider has had several years of experience teaching English and Music in schools and as an independent tutor.As a tutor for G C S E English Isabella achieved 100% success at raising students' results by one level or two with many students achieving A or A* results. She is confident, articulate and has strong interpersonal, presentation and organisational skills. She also has substantial experience in the research, collation and presentation of training course materials and a wide range of administrative skills. Her experience includes teaching at a University workshop preparing students for degrees.Furthermore, she holds extensive experience of teaching music in schools both primary and secondary.

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Tutors in London area

Looking for tutors in the London area can be a headache. Check our database of brilliant tutors and contact us for any advice. Call for a free assessment at +44 01483 600444. Email us at [email protected].

Subjects offered in London area

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