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How It Works

Tutors Valley - How It Works

Tutors Valley approach to tutoring puts the student in control. We've made the process of signing-up for our learning programmes simple and straightforward, so our students can get down to the important business of learning as quickly as possible.

Our Head of Education starts by carrying out a free assessment. Once we have identified your learning needs we devise a personalised education plan to help monitor progress. We then match you with a subject specialist tutor to complement your preferred learning style and personality. You're now ready to book an online session at a time that suits you.

With online classes, students benefit from one-to-one tuition in a our state-of-the-art virtual classroom, and because classes can take place from wherever you happen to be, no valuable lesson time is wasted on commuting, an hour booked is an hour spent studying.

All of our classes are recorded for future review and revision